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Health and Wellbeing

School can be a difficult time and place for young people for a wide range of reasons. If someone is struggling with their mental health it is important that they know who is there to support them and where they can go for help and compassion. At Deans Community High School we place health and wellbeing at the centre of our daily interactions with the young people who form our school community. The resources on this page are here for anyone to use who is in need of support but please remember that no-one is ever alone - there is always someone here you can talk to.

DCHS Wellbeing Evening

Deans CHS is holding a Wellbeing Evening on the 2nd November and all parents/carers and young people are invited to attend. We have a variety of great organisations and agencies in attendance, and the evening is a great opportunity to learn more about how to support your child with their wellbeing, or even to improve areas of your own wellbeing. We have specialists in stress management, depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders and the importance of sleep attending and also have sessions on Yoga, Mindfulness and healthy eating on a budget. 

The evening is free of charge and will run from 6:15pm - 8:30pm with the following format: 

  • 6:15pm - 6:30pm - Introduction and welcome for all parents held by DCHS Staff
  • 6:30pm - 7:30pm - Parents given the opportunity to attend three 20-minute sessions of their choice held by a variety of organisations in break-out rooms
  • 7:30pm - 8:15pm - Parents given the opportunity to speak to the different organisations at information stalls set up in the school Street.

There will also be a range of tea/coffee available made by our very own Deans Barista! 

We would love to have you there, so please come along. Spread the word.


Within Deans Community High School we also have our Yourspace provision run by Yourspace Scotland, a counselling service. Yourspace offers a range of supports for young people within the school. 



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