17 January


Our Law Information Evening is aimed at S1-S3 pupils and their parents/guardians and will take place on Wednesday 29th January from 18:30 - 20:00 at the University of Edinburgh's Central Campus (full details on registration).



The event aims to give pupils and their guests an idea of what studying Law is like and the variety of career options available. By the end of the session, pupils and their parents/guardians should be able to:

  • Discuss some of the main aspects of a Law degree & student life
  • List all the universities in Scotland that currently offer the LLB (Bachelor of Laws degree).
  • List the main subject(s) pupils will need to sit when they get to senior phase
  • Understand, to a basic level, the application process for Law.
  • Discuss career options, including continuing on to professional practice.
  • Recall basic information about the support offered by Reach Edinburgh


This is an exciting new event we are running for the first time this year. We hope as many pupils as possible will benefit from finding out more about what it takes to become a Lawyer at this early stage in school and help prepare them for what will be require in their later years in school should they want to go on study Law at University.  Please note that although this event is affiliated with the Reach Edinburgh project, it is open to all and pupils do not need to meet Reach eligibility criteria to attend.


Please note that as we anticipate this being a busy event, pupils and guests must register in advance to attend.  They can do so via the following link:

