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Child Protection


Our Child Protection Procedures

All members of staff have the responsibilityto follow Edinburgh and Lothians Inter-Agency Child Protection Procedures.


Copies of the procedures are held in:

Head teacher's office, Pupil Support office and the Library.


Designated members of staff for child protection are:

Caroline Bleach, Dawn Fleming and Gemma Thomson.

Action procedures for managing a disclosure are in the school Child Protection Policy and Edinburgh and Lothian Inter-Agency Procedures.



When faced with a disclosure or concern

  • do not guarantee confidentiality.
  • be receptive and reassuring.
  • sign and date hand written record of concerns noting the time when the matter was passed to DMS.
  • share your concerns with the DMS the same day.


Where the DMS is unavailable you must not delay but make a referral immediately to one of the Core Agencies:

  • Social Work:  01506 282252
  • Police:  01506 833835
  • Health:  01506 524412


Child Sexual Exploitation - Information for Parents/Carers




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