Science Masterclasses - S1/S2 Students
The Royal Society of Edinburgh is inviting applications for the Spring Start-up Science Masterclasses. These are FREE and run in partnership with, and will take place at the University of St Andrews. The Masterclasses are intended to give young people who have shown an interest in science and technology the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience. The classes promote widening participation and provide the students with a unique insight into academic life and research.
Four Masterclasses will take place on successive Saturday mornings and will comprise of a mixture of talks and fun, practical activities with guidance and encouragement from session leaders. I have attached the flyer, which includes the dates for the classes and how to apply.
The Royal Society of Edinburgh and the University of St Andrews would be grateful if you would make S1 and S2 students aware of these Masterclasses and distribute a copy of the flyer to those who are interested. (The flyer has been uploaded to the Student Information section of the website).They can apply by getting their parent or guardian to fill out the application form on the back and returning it to the Royal Society of Edinburgh by the date stated on the form.
There is no limit to the number of students who apply from one school, however places for each class are limited. The deadline for applications is 1st May 2019. Once applications have been received we will correspond with students and parents at their home address.