Course Choice Information
This guide has been prepared so that you know what subjects are offered at Deans Community High School. You will find information on subject content, skills developed and possible progression pathways for each of the subjects within each Curricular Area.
In February you will be required to complete an electronic form detailing your course choices for the next academic year. Students going into S3, S5 and S6 will take part in a personal interview with one of the senior management team to discuss their course choices and what they hope to achieve from their S5/6 courses prior to completing the electronic form.
Curricular Areas
West Lothian College
Through our partnership with West Lothian College you can choose to study at college one or two afternoons each week.
Click on this link (opens new window) to find out more about the courses offered by West Lothian College.
Virtual Campus
The following subjects are available through the Virtual Campus. If you are interested in studying any of the courses below please speak to Mrs Bleach or Mrs Fleming.
Please note: Courses will only run if numbers and resources are sufficient.
Virtual Campus is not the same as studying a subject within your own school and applies a different operating model. It is an extended/additional online programme offered to young people who can't access a course within their own school, therefore widening access to the courses available throughout West Lothian Council.
Information for Parents/Carers.
Information for Students.
Open University - YASS
There is an opportunity to study via the Open University - Young Applicants in Schools Scheme (YASS). Please refer to the link below and speak to Mrs Bleach or Mrs Fleming if this is something you would like to consider.
Click here for more information (opens new window)
My World of Work
Subject choices and levels can influence employment opportunities and college and university courses in the future. It is important that you take the time to think about the subjects that you may need in order to pursue a particular career path when you leave school.
Click on this link to see where your subject choices can take you. (opens new window)
If you have a particular course or career in mind, have a look at the college or university prospective to find out entry requirements.
Completing your Course Choice Form
Click on the relevant link below to complete the correct course choice form: